Friday, 15 July 2011

Zombie attack! Oh no, that's just Ninja...

I hate this time of year.

It's almost the last week before summer, and right about now is the time when my brain goes all fuzzy. Almost like a zombie. It's impossible to concentrate under these circumstances; half the time I wonder if I'm actually awake, or whether I'm in a weird daydream. So, I could be talking gobbledygook to my friends, and I wouldn't even notice. Actually, I'm not sure even they would notice - I speak gibberish all the time. And they're probably brain dead too, so we're probably talking in our own language and we didn't know...

It shall be called 'Almost-summer-ish'.

It even has a rubbish name to fit. I told you my brain isn't functioning.

Anyway, I thought I'd warn you guys in advance that I'll be going on holiday soon, so I probably won't be able to post during this time. Maybe I'll sneak off and find a computer somewhere, I don't know. But it's likely you won't get an update from me.


Oh, no, don't cry! I'll be back, ready to fill your day with useless and crazily random posts! I haven't left yet, have I? I've still got over a week to go yet.

All better? Good!

:D  <---------------- A smiley for your amusement...

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